Spring reset: time to clean out your closet

From Marie Kondo encouraging millions around the world to declutter their homes and wardrobes, to the extreme popularity of the ‘Spring Clean’ concept, this time of the year usually marks the moment when lots and lots of clothing and accessories get thrown away, just to end up in a landfill somewhere. Even when these items are given to charities and resellers, the latter can only actually put a fraction of them back on the market, as most of this clothing is already worn out.

If you're thinking of doing your Spring Clean this weekend, I've put together a few tips on how to clear out your wardrobe in a more sustainable and ethical way:


  1. Give your clothes another try

Instead of immediately throwing away clothes that don’t ‘spark joy’ anymore, try giving them a second or third chance by pairing them with something else, for a totally fresh look.


  1. Host a clothes swap

This way, your old clothes can find a new loving home and you can avoid extra expenses by swapping them for something you really like and that you’re actually going to wear. It’s incredible how many of our ‘old and boring’ clothes can be exactly what someone else is looking for!


  1. Donate / Recycle your old clothes

You can drop off all your unwanted clothes at a charity shop or a clothing bank, but if some pieces are too worn out, then look for a textile recycling service near you.


  1. Clear out clothes when they’re in season


Focus on clothes that are currently in season when you’re having a clearout. This will help you decide what to keep, as well as make it easier to find a new home for any cast-offs.

I hope you’ve been inspired by these tips and remember that decluttering your wardrobe is a great way of becoming more conscious about what styles and garments you actually wear day to day. It’s better to have fewer high-quality items that are made to last, than lots of disposable garments that you’ll only wear a handful of times. 


Slow Down on Fashion Trends



Instead of following micro-trends, choose versatile pieces that you can use to create different outfits and start building the idea of a ‘capsule wardrobe’, with items that can be used for multiple outfits. That’s not to say everything has to be neutral, bright or quirky pieces can also last you a lifetime but think realistically about how likely you are to re-wear a piece before you buy.

Whilst micro-trends promote overconsumption, as new things seem to be “cool” every week, capsule wardrobes tend to be a more sustainable concept because they invite mindful thinking and counteract the impulse to buy more than you need.⁠ If the majority of pieces making up your wardrobe are interchangeable investment pieces,  it can save you time and stress, as well as provide you with a large array of polished and classic looks.⁠

You’ll be surprised to find that, despite having fewer items, you won’t have to deal with the frustrating ‘I’ve got nothing to wear’ dilemma anymore! How liberating is that?


Shop this selection of interchangeable items from our vintage shop for petite girls and women.


Black tailored maxi skirt - UK 8


Petite pinstripe blazer - UK 12/14


Petite pinstripe flares - UK 10


Petite trench coat - UK 12

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